
Essay 3

What are the advantages and disadvantages of hacking?

Hacking is the illegal manipulation or exploitation of computer systems or networks. Although there are negative connotations associated with hacking, there are some advantages and disadvantages when discussing this issue. There are three types of hacking. White hats hacker, gray hats hacker, Black hats hackers. White hats are those who hack for their company or client by asking their permission. Black hats are those who hack illegally to threaten somebody, or they steal information or steal money. And gray hats are both black and white hats. Means they hack somebody’s network or system if they have any bugs or vulnerability on their system gray hats hacker tell them.  This essay will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of hacking.

Ethical hacking, commonly referred to as “White hat” hacking, is the process of locating flaws and vulnerabilities in computer systems and networks to assist corporations in enhancing their security protocols. The benefits of ethical hacking include the following:

  1. Proactive security: By proactively identifying vulnerabilities in a system or network, organizations can address them before they are exploited by malicious actors.
  2. Cost-effective: Ethical hacking can be a cost-effective way for organizations to identify and address security issues, as it can often be less expensive than responding to a security breach.
  3. Compliance: Many regulatory frameworks and industry standards require regular security testing, and ethical hacking can help organizations demonstrate compliance with their requirements.
  4. Reputation: Ethical hacking can help organizations build trust with customers and partners by demonstrating a commitment to security and protecting sensitive information.
  5. Continuous improvement: Ethical hacking can be used as part of a continuous improvement process, allowing organizations to continually identify and address security vulnerabilities.

They can prevent cyberattacks, safeguard personal information, improve cybersecurity, and make the internet a safer place for everyone by using their talent in finding and exploiting flaws in computer systems and networks. Ethical hackers can offer ways to strengthen security controls, lower the likelihood of successful cyberattacks, and shield individuals from the fallout of such assaults by spotting flaws in systems and networks.

Penetration testing, commonly referred to as ethical hacking, is the activity of deliberately scanning computer networks, software programs, and systems for security flaws in order to find them before bad actors can use them against you. One disadvantage of ethical hacking is the potential for unintended consequences. During the process of ethical hacking, there is a risk of accidentally causing damage or disruption of the target system or network. According to a report by Synack, a crowdsourced security platform, ethical hackers can sometimes carelessly cause system failures or data breaches while.

conducting penetration testing, leading to negative sequence for the target organization (Synack, 2017)

Hacking, which has historically been linked to illegal access and malevolent behavior, has developed into a complex phenomena with a number of subcultures that deviate from mainstream hacking culture. Subculture hacking refers to unique communities or groups of hackers who hold similar values that differ from those of traditional hacking (Johnson, 2022). In order to provide insight on the motives, pursuits, and social dynamics of hacker communities that operate outside of the mainstream hacking culture, this paper will conduct an ethnographic study of subculture hacking.

Motivations and Activities of Subculture Hackers:

Subculture hackers engage in a wide range of activities driven by diverse motivations. For some, it may be driven by a desire to challenge authority, express political dissent, or promote social justice cause (Johnson,2023). For others, it may be motivated by curiosity, technical exploration, or artistic expression, Activities of subculture hackers may include creating and distributing software tools, engaging in hacktivism or cyber protest, conducting research on vulnerabilities, and exploring informal or researching hacking techniques (Johnson,2023)

Responsible and Ethical practices: The practice of ethical hacking should keep at to responsible and ethical practices, including obtaining proper authorization, following relevant laws and regulations, protecting privacy and confidentiality, and ensuring responsible vulnerability disclosure (Smith,2023)

Ethical hacking has advantages in identifying vulnerabilities, enhancing cybersecurity defenses, and improving system security, but also comes with potential disadvantages related to legal and ethical considerations, potential misuse, and ethical dilemmas. Responsible and ethical practiced, professionalism, expertise, and collaboration are essential in the practice of ethical hacking to ensure its positive impact of cybersecurity and society as a whole(Smith,2023).

Subculture ethical hacking can offer several advantages for organizations and society. One of the primary benefits is the identification and mitigations of vulnerabilities in information systems, helping organizations enhance their cybersecurity posture and protect sensitive data (Thomas, 2022)

Despite its potential benefits, subculture ethical hacking also has challenges and ethical concerns. One of the challenges is the legal and regulatory framework surrounding ethical hacking, which can vary across jurisdictions and may be uncertain in some case (Thomas, 2022).

A complicated environment with benefits and drawbacks is presented by the subculture of ethical hacking. It can be advantageous in that it can help with the development of secure software, discover vulnerabilities, and promote responsible disclosure, but it also presents difficulties and ethical dilemmas.

Source: “5 Advantages of Ethical Hacking”, by Amanada Kondolojy, Business News Daily, March 11, 2020.


Synack. (2017). The 2017 Synack Ethical Hacker Report. Retrieved from

Source: Johnson, A. (2023). Exploring subculture hacking: An Ethnographic Study of Hacker Communities. Journal of Subversive Cybercultures, 15(2), 78-101.

Source: Smith, J.(2023). Ethical hacking: advantages, Disadvantages, and implications for Cybersecurity Research, 10(1), 45-67

Source: Thomas, S. (2022). The Ethics of Hacking: Examining the Subculture of Ethical Hackers. International Journal of Cybersecurity and Ethical Hacking, 5(2), 78-94.

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